1. 2017 winter vacation dormitory network service will end on the date as follows: Accounts registered during the winter vacation will be deleted, every account should be registered again.
(a) 09:00 am, 10 February 2017
2. None lodging in winter vacation boarders can register your account for the secound semester academic year 2016 from the day as follows:
(a) 09:00 am, 9 February 2017
3. Dormitory network service will be able to use after the account is registered. (including your dorm number, port, MAC)
(a) Internet activation code is unnecessary before the Internet Code Managing Day. (After this day, you cannot use dormitory network without Internet activation code.)
(b) You cannot use the dormitory network without registering your account on dormitory network website.
(c) Students can still buy the internet activation code after the Internet Code Managing Day. You can see point 5 as follows to consider the time to purchase the internet activation code.
4. During 2/9 to 2/12, students are able to use the Dormitory network. But all repairing cases during 2/9~2/12 will be waited until 2/13 to be solved by network administrators.
5. To prevent too many people buying the Internet activation code at the same day, here is the Internet code managing day for each dormitory: After this day, you cannot use dormitory network without Internet activation code.
(a) Managing Day:08:00 am, 6 March 2017
(b) Internet activation code is necessary after the Managing Day.
(c) Internet activation code can be purchased through the Cashier Section which is located in the administration building 1F from today, except for 2/13 and 2/18.
6. After you key in your internet activation code, it will not be working immediately. But you will not wait more than 24 hours.
7. People who use temporary accounts should transfer their internet activation code to their official accounts (Student ID number)..
8. Dormitory network system is using 100Mbps Fast Ethernet architecture. The internet activation code is priced at NTD$800, it can be used until the end of the summer vacation.
9. If there is any problem with your Internet, you can sign in your account on dormitory network system to be repaired.
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